Damon Yerg

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Collectibles that add heat to your writing

As kids we collected all manner of bits and pieces. Some were tossed out by disapproving seniors. As a writer, I have started collecting firelighters for my stories. Firelighters? Yes, small bits of kindling that one often passes by along the less trodden paths that writers walk, fly, skip, roll …

If I wander past a word or phrase that sparks my brain, I grab it and file it away. Photos give me endless avenues for describing scenes and emotions, stimulating smells as I pass through the image, tickle my fingers with textures …

Cafes and malls are endless sources of characters from whom we can extract whole or part traits like dress, gait, eating habits, speech, gesture … Take down live notes. Write till you have your fill. Go back tomorrow if you miss anything.

As you go about your business, jot all this down but, above all, note smells. We often forget about these but, on occasion, they may be expected to dominate scenes with the strength of a key character.

You may even like to collect whole stories from which to draw inspiration.

“For Sale: baby shoes. Never worn.” This short, sad story, written by Ernest Hemingway, is frequently described as the best short story ever written. Not a bad claim to fame.

I collected it. One day, hopefully a piece of mine may reach the same heights of praise.

Don’t toss anything out. You just never know.

Start your collection today. If you already collect such things, let us know in the comments.

Have stacks of fun creating. Kind regards. Damon