Damon Yerg

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Writers — you must do this

But, writers must do so many things. Don’t they? What is it that is so important? Put this one right near the top of your list, or not. Up to you.

Think about your current, next, first, book/s. Ask yourself why you are writing it/them.

Taming a wild ocean, steering your novel safely home

You may be in the middle of a vast series such as ‘Game of Thrones’, ‘Harry Potter’ or ‘The Millennium Trilogy’. You may even be stepping over the threshold of a new world, tiptoeing cautiously into the shallows of the unchartered ocean that will become your nemesis while you plot its rage, before publishing its fraught tale.

Your answer to the ‘why’ will reveal many things. Importantly, how finishing the work will reflect on your future or current status, mindset, focus ... Think about this over a period and give the true purpose of your writing time to show itself. What will pop up initially is the ‘right’ answer. You know, what writers are supposed to think about their writing. Don’t accept it. The truth will reveal itself if you give it permission to surface.

These truths will change throughout the process of writing, editing, publishing. It will need a continual refresh, despite many publishings — that’s its nature. Refocus regularly and you will discover new layers of energy added to each page.

I tried this and was amazed at how well I came to know the purpose of all this sweating out words late into the night. Very relieving if you must know. Give it a go.

Whatever you do with this thought, I hope you enjoy your writing and feel a good sense of accomplishment after each success. Let us hear of your experiences.

Have a great day. Damon