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  • Blog posts of two varieties

One appears as encouraging and supportive articles
The other as reflections on my writing experiences

  • The author gym, designed to give writing muscles a workout

  • My fledgling book library


Reflections and affirmative articles

Regular reflections about recent personal experiences as a writer.
Articles through which your writing may be stimulated and our conversations around writing begun.



Ocean enthusiast



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Yellowstone Fury, the first book released by Damon Yerg, available now on Amazon.

Yellowstone Fury - Damon Yerg.jpg

Wits, nature and mercy determine who survives.

Townsfolk, strangers, and outsiders unite to battle murderous hired guns.

Sam has taken a break from the trail in the small town of Green Forks. A chance encounter with a young lady draws him into a helter-skelter arena of love and hate, honesty and deceit, survival and death.

Razed buildings, rustled cattle, and dead friends demand bloody retribution. With their aging sheriff unable to stop lawlessness, ordinary folk chase down a fearsome gang, hired by a shady businessman to deliver his most recently acquired assets. Odds are stacked overwhelmingly in favor of the outlaws.

Failure threatens the very survival of Green Forks.

AMAZON REVIEW “Classic Western Tale! I really enjoyed this book. It reminded me of so many of the great western movies and TV shows that my Dad and I used to enjoy when I was a kid. I especially like the Chinese characters and would love to see more of them. Sequel please...?!?” Mr. N. Johnson

“Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.”

— Louis L’Amour | Novelist and Short Story Writer