Author Gym Damon Yerg Author Gym Damon Yerg

In the Park

The next time you walk past a park, stop and watch a group of people involved in an energetic game. Pay attention to the interactions between them, and between them and the surroundings — people and backdrop.

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Author Gym Damon Yerg Author Gym Damon Yerg

Night Shadows

Once again, we are venturing outside. The reason for doing this is to develop a sense of how to describe our world, to look at the mundane, the ordinary and the exceptional to find triggers in our mind we can use to shove at the boundaries of reality, to blend the real with the imagined. In this, and some of the following exercises, you will gradually increase your flexibility in using this mix.

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Author Gym Damon Yerg Author Gym Damon Yerg


Welcome. Well, three sessions down. Good for you. You will notice today’s session will be slightly longer. As your muscles strengthen, they will be able to cope with a bit more. They can be twisted in different directions. You’ll notice longer warm up, writing and cool down time has been allowed.

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Author Gym Damon Yerg Author Gym Damon Yerg

Mall Meeting

Back for more muscle development? Fantastic to see you. These sessions are spaced to let you get on with other business in your life. You may need time to find time. Now you’re here, let’s get moving. Today we are going to entwine intrigue into the words of our writing.

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Author Gym Damon Yerg Author Gym Damon Yerg

Rainy Day

Today we are going to have fun in the wet — something I always enjoy. Experience it if possible. If not, watch the gutters after some rain and add the rest. In this scene, a grandparent, with a grandchild, is floating leaves and sticks in rainwater running down the gutter after a rainfall. Both fun and a nostalgic presence can be felt in the scene.

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Author Gym Damon Yerg Author Gym Damon Yerg


Thanks for coming. This is your first week at the Author Gym and we’re moving into the great outdoors. Go to a café and watch somebody drink a coffee, from the time they get it until they stand to leave. Look for any interaction with the surroundings, other people, obvious signals of emotion, a quick glance, facial expressions, body positioning, distractions and anything that will help your reader experience the scene.

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