Damon Yerg

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Welcome to today's workout in the Author Gym. Hope you’re having a fabulous day. Today’s exercise is one where a scene is set and you take up the story, driving it with your creative vision.

Field Notes:

A huge boulder is perched high on a hill. Then it is not. It is/had been a local landmark for centuries. Think what could have happened to it. How has it been moved? Where to? By whom, or what? How far? Did it cause any damage?


10 minutes

Don't forget the surroundings and the impact of the event on the community or the universe, if any. How you want to arrange it, is up to you.

Let your thoughts run wild. Where has this massive rock gone? Was there a purpose in it being moved? Was any permission required? Did it create havoc?

Warm up with planning in your Field Notes. Write down some key ideas and words. Sketch?

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to create a scene that somehow delivers the movement of the boulder in a way that raises the curiosity or imagination of your readers.


30 minutes

Target 300+ words.

If you planned well, you could use your Field Notes to navigate through this passage, writing clearly as you go. Put all your focus on getting the words down. Hopefully, this is becoming a pleasant task where you go past the indicated time and/or the indicated word count. Incredible it that is happening.


10 minutes

Before you relax with this work, take a mini break to refresh.

  • Were you stunned at how you made such a simple task super interesting or exciting?

  • Were you influenced by our last exercise session where we crossed into a fantasy world?

  • If you had picked up a book randomly from the shelves in a bookstore and opened it at this passage, would you buy the book, even be tempted to read more before you made the decision to purchase it?

How was the reader entwined into your tale of a boulder that was moved?

You are doing a fabulous job getting this far. Have you found you needed more/less to give you better access to what was required of you?

Is writing for a period becoming something you can design and deliver quickly?

Hope it is helping in a small way with a project you are working on.

See you soon.


See you on the 9th of each month for a new exercise…

See this gallery in the original post