Short Walk

Welcome to today's workout. What a beautiful day it is. How’s your writing fitness? Are you finding that you can write more freely and confidently about random topics? Is it becoming easier to express yourself in a wider variety of ways? Today you will find a slight change in the workout program. One to reflect your flourishing writing strength and staying power. Go right in.

Field Notes:

Walk for two or three minutes. Anywhere will do. Observe as much as you can, imagine what you can about the route and its surroundings. Note all this in your Field Notes, taking plenty of time to do so.

Return to where you started along the same route, once again observing everything. Did you notice any differences going the reverse direction?

Now walk the track as one of your characters following someone (build to your design) who is a great danger to them. The tracker must pass by unnoticed. There may be dangerous others lurking nearby.


10 minutes

Your story unfolds from the viewpoint of the tracker. How will you make readers feel the tension experienced by the tracker, their worry about being discovered or losing this person who was extremely difficult to locate? How will you leave clues for the reader to reassure them they will be able to follow both characters further into this engaging tale? The characters may be human, they may not, depends how you want to develop this scene. This scene must form a keystone event if the final tale is written.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to create a scene bursting with coiled tension and hair-raising danger. Deliver a passage that makes readers look over their shoulder.


30 minutes

Target 300+ words. Just a target.

Work up to it as you get in more practice. Longer is fine too. Write as much as you feel the need to.


5 minutes

This should be great read. Looking forward to it.

  • Have you left a word breadcrumb trail of clues for the astute and intuitive reader?

  • Did you feel the tension as you walked along with the characters?

  • Did you get the urge to write more into this story?

What do you think the reader imagined was the reason behind the secrecy?

Are you tempted to expand any of the works you have poured out in these exercises?

Hope writing about such varied themes is getting more comfortable.

Feel free to share your thoughts, ideas, even the paragraphs you write, if you wish.

See you soon.



See you on the 9th of each month for a new exercise…


Two Different Worlds


In the Park